Social Network Marketing

It was thought to people go to Facebook to hang out with friends and not much more. However, that may be altering. The fastest-growing user groups on  Facebook are women in the 55 – 65 age groups. Yes, these are the similar women that make 80% of the family buying decision. Turns out the current majority of Facebook’s advertising revenues are from casual gaming promoters. Why? The users of informal games (FarmVille, Mafia  Wars) are women.    A recent PopCap study showed that 55 percent of every social gamer in the United States are women. The usual age of the women users is 48. Interestingly, 46 percent of American social gamers are 50 or older while only 6 percent of every social gamer is age 21 or younger. So, it appears the kids aren’t playing Facebook games as much as the women who just happen to be the target of main advertisers.

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Impact of Facebook on Youth

FacebookFacebook is nothing more than an agent to communication, and yet, it is so much more than that. At a fleeting look, a user can learn everything from what gender a Facebook member is, to what religion they believe in, what school they attend, and their likes and dislikes, all with the click of a mouse. A huge population of students uses Facebook to keep in touch with friends, share photographs and videos and post regular updates of their movements and thoughts. Read More