Role of Managers

The role of managers is complex and stressful, demanding long hours and commitment to the organization. A manager is a middle person between the top management level and employees. Managers are building blocks of the organization. A manager performs five basic functions – Planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling.

COORDINATE DIVERSE ACTIVITIES DEPARTMENTS- The task is to integrate elements and coordinate the activities of different departments according to the overall objectives of the organization. They supervise and manage the overall performance of employees in their department.

RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SUCCESS OF THE ORGANISATION- Managers are responsible for the welfare and survival of the organization. He is responsible for aligning the individual’s objectives with the organizational objectives. This is very essential for achieving long-term organizational success.

FORM OVERALL ORGANIZATIONAL GOALS They formulate the overall organizational goals and their strategies to achieve them. They analyze, give recommendations and develop strategies on how to improve quality and quantity.

RESPONSIBLE FOR BUSINESS ACTIVITIES- Managers are responsible for all the activities of the business and its impact on society.

REPRESENTATIVE OF EMPLOYEES- He is an intermediary between the workgroups and top management. A Manager is the one who communicates the organizational vision to the employees of the organization. He should ensure that there is effective communication flow in an organization and that there should no misinterpretations taking place.

STRIVES FOR EFFECTIVENESS- Managers bring effectiveness in an organization by encouraging and nurturing team work, by better time management and by the proper use of power. They provide a reward structure to encourage the performance of employees.

MOTIVATION-The manager plays the most important role in employee motivation. Effective management in the business workplace is critical to positive employee motivation and high employee morale. He should encourage them so that they can perform effectively. He should praise them when they show brilliant performance and on a bad performance, he should give them constructive feedback rather than negative feedback. He should provide online support and coaching.

EFFECTIVE UTILIZATION OF RESOURCES They achieve so through coordinated human efforts.

DECISION MAKING- A manager has a crucial role to play in decision making process in an organization. He has to decide how to bring and communicate organizational changes.

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